Wednesday, October 10, 2007

We are in Africa!!

Wow! This is my first post, which I have been putting off because I figured that it had to set the tone for the entire blog, etc. So, anyway here it goes. . . . . .

We made it, we are safe and healthy! Currently, we are living with a host family in the small city of Bangangte. The surrounding hills are beautiful, very green and lush. Most of the streets are red dirt or mud (if it has rained recently). The people here are very friendly, especially our host family. We live in a modest house, but we do have electricity and running water. The director of the Peace Corps stayed with our host family when he came to visit earlier this summer.

There used to be a rooster that crowed at all hours of the night and morning. . .but we ate him for dinner the other night, it was a little tough and I am not sure which section I was eating, but on the whole not too bad. My favorite meal of the day is breakfast, which usually consists of french bread, avocado, and hot chocolate.

Yesterday morning when I was making the bed, I found a gigantic cockroach on my pillow. Apparently, I had slept on it because little bits of its body were strewn about bed, and yet the cockroach was still alive. My host sister graciously disposed of him and then did a rather accurate imitation of me running from the thing. Our whole family thought it was hilarious and we have had lots of laughs over it since. (note - we have definitely learned to laugh at ourselves).

There are more stories to come, I promise. I miss all of you and will write again soon!



Unknown said...

Yay! Its awesome to finally hear from you! You and Matt look uber happy! I am so proud of you. I cannot wait to hear more. Enjoy the heat ... its been snowing here. You are greatly missed.

Unknown said...

Are you Brooks or Sarah, by the way?

Christy said...

Sarah and Matt! Thanks for the update. Keep them coming, and more pictures! (Provided you have time.) I am thrilled that you are having such interesting adventures. I hope your souls are feeling inspired, brimming with new experiences. Love and miss you both!

Unknown said...

So glad to finally here about your adventures. We have all been wondering how you were and missing you at Write Now! Last week we did an exercise about feeling like a foreigner while in another country.

Looking forward to hearing more soon.


Ivy said...

It is wonderful to hear all is well and that you are settling in.
Look forward to hearing more soon.
Take care; we miss you!

Unknown said...

It sounds like you guys are having fun! Good job on the blog! I look forward to hearing more about your adventures!